01993 810 210

We Need To Talk About War

The Big Questions

We want to hear your thoughts on war.

Should we have rules in war?

What makes a hero?

When is right to fight your own rulers?

Is it wrong to enjoy war?



The museum has launched a brand-new question trail throughout the Main Gallery.

Accompanying each story is a Big Question to prompt debate on the subject of war. We want to talk more openly about the ethics, dilemmas and complexities of conflict.

To broaden this conversation, the museum is seeking responses from visitors, school groups, student placements, military groups, academics and different community groups. These responses will be put out on display to spark further discussion.

Let us know what you think. Look out for the Big Questions throughout the Gallery, then head to a feedback station to fill out a comment card for your chosen question/s.

Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum
Park Street.
Oxfordshire OX20 1SN

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