01993 810 210

Print: The 43rd – Battle of Quebec, 13 September 1759

Print: The 43rd – Battle of Quebec, 13 September 1759


Print: The 43rd - Battle of Quebec, 13 September 1759

Unframed print of The 43rd - Battle of Quebec, 13th September 1759, Wolfe versus Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham by Sean Bolan.

Artwork with white bordering and the piece's title, artists name, and a quote printed below. Quote reads:  "To take a watchful enemy by surprise, to land so large a force in good order and to gain ground up one of the steepest precipices that can be conceived, and without loss; this was Wolfe's brilliant achievement".

Print measurements: 329mm x 382mm

Artwork measurement: 238mm x 429mm

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