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Tag: WW2

Pegasus Stories Following the success of The Pegasus Bridge Story, a  Lockdown Lecture produced in co-operation between the Army Flying Museum and Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum, we’re posting a series of blogs which include accounts of the events surrounding D-Day and the capture of the bridges from individuals involved – many written in the months that followed. In this first Pegasus Story is an account of Parachute operations in the early…

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The Pegasus Bridge Story – SOFO Thanks You After a few unfortunate technical issues meant we initially had to reschedule what would be our first online talk, the Pegasus Bridge Story succesfully broadcast to an audience of over 800 viewers from 7pm on Thursday 21st January and many, many, more watching the archived video of the lecture over the following days. While the talk was the first in what we…

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Operation Dynamo – 80 years ago in May Shortly after the first Blitzkreig strike on 10 May 1940, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) was in disorganised withdrawal before the tide of German Panzers, and Operation Dynamo jolted into action. A 60 mile escape corridor was organised to buy time for the BEF to evacuate from Dunkirk. The 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion and the 4th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, the…

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