01993 810 210

The Forgotten Army and the Burma Campaign 1945 | 15 June 2024 | 4.30pm

The Forgotten Army and the Burma Campaign 1945 | 15 June 2024 | 4.30pm


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This talk with Lt. Col. Mike Tickner will consider the complex interplay of events of the Burma campaign, and the transformation of the once Forgotten Army of the British Army into an accomplished fighting force. On 16 June 1945 the 14th Army, of the British Army, conducted a victory parade in Rangoon having captured the city with barely a shot fired. The Imperial Japanese Army were in full retreat from Burma, starving and sick, no longer the victors that had so resoundingly defeated the Indian and British Army in 1942 with the fall of Singapore. Three years later, as the 14th Army, they rose in strength and were now able to withstand formidable attacks, difficult climates and terrain. This talk will consider the complex interplay of events of the Burma campaign, and the transformation of the once Forgotten Army of the British Army into an accomplished fighting force. Talk time: 45 mins plus Q&A Speaker Bio: Lieutenant Colonel Mike Tickner is a Regular officer who is interested in the Indian Army especially the Burma campaign and the immediate post-war period.

Date: 15-June-2024
Time: 16:30

Location: Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum (The Briefing Room)
Type: digital

Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum
Park Street.
Oxfordshire OX20 1SN

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