01993 810 210

Talk: Great War ‘Bluebirds’ – Nurses with Shell Shock

Talk: Great War ‘Bluebirds’ – Nurses with Shell Shock


50 available

Update to speaker! Saturday afternoon tea, cake and talk. Join us for a fascinating talk on the story of Canadian nurses in the Great War recovering from shell shock in spa waters with author of social history, Melanie King.

Many English spa towns treated wounded soldiers of the Great War. One of the forgotten stories of the First World War is how many nurses also suffered from shell shock.

The ‘Blue Birds’, named due to the blue uniforms of the Canadian nurses, were often misdiagnosed as ‘hysterical’. Join Melanie as she gives voice to the story of some of the Canadian nurses who suffered from shell shock and nervous breakdowns, and who were treated at a Canadian Red Cross Special Hospital in Buxton.

Enjoy this Saturday talk with complimentary tea and cake, and don't forget to browse our galleries, including the Woman's War display, to continue the story of nurses in the Great War.

Date: 14-September-2024
Time: 14:00

Location: Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum (The Briefing Room)
Type: digital

Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum
Park Street.
Oxfordshire OX20 1SN

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