01993 810 210

Oxfordshire Remembers 1914-18 Part II

Oxfordshire Remembers 1914-18 Part II

21st November 2017 - 2nd December 2018

This exhibition is the second of two displays commemorating the 100th anniversary of the First World War for Oxfordshire.
It features stories of Oxfordshire’s VC winners, women and children at war, conscription, and the truly global scale of a conflict that saw many Oxfordshire people sent to the western front and far beyond. With soldiers sent to Italy, Iraq, Greece, India, Ireland or Russia, many encountered others from different social backgrounds, races and religions for the very first time. Not only covering these stories from 1917 to Armistice Day, sections will explore how life continued to be affected for so many long after the war had ended.

The exhibition documents the lives of people at war through their photographs and personal possessions. Many of these stories are being told, and the items being seen publicly, for the first time, while the panels tell something of how Oxfordshire was affected by, and responded to war.

Emphasis is placed on The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, the Oxfordshire Yeomanry and significant events in which they were involved. Men from outside the county fought with these regiments, while many Oxfordshire men served in other units of the British Forces their stories are also included.

It is hoped that the exhibition enables greater understanding of the sense of duty, service and sacrifice shown by those who lived and fought through the First World War.

SOFO would like to thank the following local councils for their support with this exhibition:


  • Ambrosden Parish Council
  • Blackbird Leys Parish Council
  • Carterton Town Council
  • Cassington Parish Council
  • Chinnor Parish Council
  • Cumnor Parish Council
  • Ducklington Parish Council
  • Hanborough Parish Council
  • Harwell Parish Council
  • Horley Parish Council
  • Kennington Parish Council
  • Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor Parish Council
  • Little Milton Parish Council
  • Stonesfield Parish Council
  • Swerford Parish Council
  • Wallingford Town Council

Great War Research Enquiry Desk

During the exhibition, a research desk will be open each Friday 11am-2pm where you can find out more about the service. Normal museum admission prices will apply to visit the Research Desk.

Do you have a relative that fought in the Great War and want to know more about theirservice? Here at the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum we provide an inquiry service to help!
We can answer enquiries in a multitude of ways; either in a shorter version for those who know nothing about their loved one, or in a longer, more detailed version with all the supporting documents we can find to help create the inquiry. These inquiries cost £50 or £100. If you would like to know more please email the Collections Assistant melissa.kozlenko@sofo.org.uk or submit an enquiry via our online research pages.

Oxfordshire Remembers for Children and Families

Like all the Museum’s major exhibitions, ‘Oxfordshire Remembers 1914-18 Part II’ has plenty to interest families and children, including dress up, trails and activities. The focus of the exhibition also includes the First World War home front and the experience of families 100 years ago. As the conflict lengthened, find out how children contributed to the war effort and coped with the many changes in society.

A poem of remembrance by Maya aged 8 3/4 years old.

Alongside this exhibition, the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum offers a range of sessions for Primary and Secondary Schools. Each session is taught according to the needs of the group and includes object handling and our Great War Trench experience.

See our Learning pages for more details.

Now Available: Evening and Out of Hours Booking

We can now offer guided tours combined with a handling object session during the evening for groups (10+).

Alternatively, why not book our museum for an evening reception or a private party and use the galleries as a perfect backdrop for your event?

SOFO is fully licensed and has a list of preferred caterers. Prices for 'out of hours' bookings are on application. Email frontofhouse@sofo.org.uk for further details.


Image courtesy of the Imperial War Museum.

Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum
Park Street.
Oxfordshire OX20 1SN

Phone and Email:
General Enquiries & Event Tickets: 01993 810 211

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