01993 810 210

Loan boxes

Boxes for loan

Borrow a unique collection of real and replica objects.

Loan boxes can be hired on a weekly basis @£25 per week, with a returnable deposit of £75. Pleas note loan box invoices must be paid before collection of the loan box(es).

To book a loan box please phone 01993 810211 or email engagement@sofo.org.uk

1. First World War – trench life

What did a Tommy eat? How did he wash and mend his uniform? Find the answer to these and many more questions about the Great War.

2. First World War – a new kind of conflict
New technology, gas attacks, ‘home front’ and remembrance – just some of the features of the Great War. Use the evidence in this box to explore the new kind of conflict.

3. Second World War - Home Front
How did families cope with rationing and shortages? How could they keep cheerful and help the troops? Find out with this set of objects from the 1940s home front.

4. Second World War – Blitz and Blackout
Discover how people’s lives changed with the threat of bombing raids and fire. The box includes an original Air Raid Patrol messenger’s helmet, whistle, blackout bicycle lamp and replica gas mask.

5. Second World War – Evacuation Suitcase
What might an evacuee take with them to the country? Find out with this suitcase 1940s children’s items.

Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum
Park Street.
Oxfordshire OX20 1SN

Phone and Email:
General Enquiries & Event Tickets: 01993 810 211

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